Experimental design and data analysis

Experimental design and data analysis

Experimental design
As part of our genotyping and methylation analysis services, we can even help you with your experimental design. Regarding Agena, this includes assisting with general matters such as calculating the sample size necessary in order to get a statistically valid answer and estimating how many assays would give a good coverage of an area of interest. In addition, we can help with more detailed issues such as selecting SNPs from regions of your interest, selecting CpG islands in genes that you have selected or guiding you in the choice of method best suited for your study.

TAMM can also assist with the experimental design for projects to be run on the Illumina platform. TAMM’s laboratory engineers and bioinformatician have a great deal of experience in running projects on the Illumina platform and can advise on matters ranging from which arrays are best suited for your project to questions on the number of samples required to reach statistical significance.

Contact person – Agena:
Ann-Charlotte Rönn, PhD (Project coordinator)
Tel: +46 8 1238 3662
email: Ann-Charlotte.Ronn@ki.se

Contact person – Illumina:
Astrid Fungmark (Laboratory Engineer)
Tel: +46 8 1238 3642
email: Astrid.Fungmark@ki.se

Data analysis
Following the completion of a project at TAMM, it is possible to receive bioinformatics support through the service NBIS – National Bioinformatics Infrastructure Sweden. NBIS is a distributed national research infrastructure supported by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet) that provides bioinformatics support to life science researchers in Sweden. More information can be found at: https://www.nbis.se/

Contact persons:

Kristina Duvefelt, PhD (Lab Manager)
Tel: +46 8 1238 3693
email: Kristina.Duvefelt@ki.se